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Emmarria Education-Tutorial & Job Training Services

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Improve Your Child's Grades with Tutoring

For some kids it takes longer to understand the information in the classroom than they are given throughout the school year. If your child is having difficulties comprehending the materials one-on-one tutoring from EET&J may be the solution for them.

Tutor Application Form — Complete and submit to:

Subjects We Tutor for Include:

  • Microsoft Office 2016 (Outlook, PowerPoint, Excel, Word, & Access)
  • Office 365
  • College Accounting (Level 1 & 2)
  • Computer Literacy
  • Research
  • English
  • Math (Middle School & Some High School)
  • Orientation To College
  • Business Writing
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Literature (Middle School & High School)
  • History & Geography
  • Social Studies
  • Science
  • Health

Affordable Prices

Having someone to assist your child through the curriculum can greatly improve their test scores. This extra bit of coaching will boost your child's confidence in the classroom. Virtual tutoring or tutoring over the phone is $25 per hour, while our in-person tutoring is $35 per hour.

Tutoring Service

EET&J Staff

Founder of EET&J

Evelyn M. Freeman, Ph.D., MBA, B.S. & A.A.
Maryland State Department of Education Advanced Professional Administrative Certificate
U.S. Army Reserves, Retiree

Administrative Support Staff

Andre Freeman, Director of Human Resources Management

Administrative Support-Vacant

Administrative Assistant-Vacant

Social Worker/Human Services Counselor-Vacant

Director, and Coordinator of Community Development Programs

 Program Analyst

Training Specialist

Young Man in the Library

Black American Wearing Blue Suit


Andre L. Dowdy, Jr, Special Eduation SUpport Staff/Tutorial Support (Music)

Vacant - Teacher/Tutor (Business and Accounting, and Math)

Vacant - English/Reading/Literature Tutor

Vacant - Science/Biology Tutor

Vacant - Spanish Tutor

Vacant - Director of Music

Vacant - History & Social Studies

Vacant - Art Instructor

Vacant  Computer Literacy/Computer Application/Microsoft Office/Accountant/Health

Black American Teacher“He (God) is leading us by a way that is unknown to man, however, known only by him, to impart knowledge and learning, to his people through EET&J “ - Dr.Freeman.


CEO/Director (1)

Executive Staff
Dept. Human Resources (1)
Dept of Education Teaching and Learning (1)
Dept of Health and Wellness (1)

Dept. Of Health and Wellness (5)
Director- of H & W
Social Worker
Academic Counselor
Nursing Assistance

Dept. of Human Resources (6)
Director of Human Resources
HR Manager/HR Specialist
Payroll Specialist
Training Specialist
Adm Assistant

  • Job Training
  • Resume writing
  • On boarding
  • Hiring

Job placement Specialist (2)

Dept. of Education Teaching and Learning (11)
Director of Education -Teaching and Learning
Lead Teacher
Math Teacher
English Teacher
Social studies Teacher
History Teacher
Science Teacher
Foreign Language Teacher
Music Teacher
Tutors (Math, English, History/Science
Extra Curriculum Activity

IT Tech Support
Software packages/LMS

  • Call corporate training